Ultracapacitor solution balances gradients and smooths genset power.
Benefits of the Skeleton solution
- VSG can achieve immediate response<20 msec on load variations with high gradients
- Engine can run at the most beneficial operating speed
- Increasedengine life through less wear and tear
- Uninterruptible power supplyin case engine is off
High degree of random load variations
- Random high load variationscan cause problems for Variable Speed
- Generators to continuouslysupply power with high gradients
Key challenges
- High degreeof random load variations
- Maintaining stabilityof power generation
- Operating efficientlyand improving fuel economy
- Longerrestart time
Known consequences
- Generator power gradients outside the limits
- VSG is not able to meet the load demand
- Shorterlifetime of engine
UCAP balance gradients and smooths genset power
What we offer
- Ultracapacitor solutionconnected to the DC link of power conversion system
- Ultracapacitors deliver necessary powerto compensate the load variations and smooth out genset power
- Ultracapacitors are the only viable technologyto provide high power and high duty cycle
Advantages of the Skeloton product
- 100% reliableenergy storage with zero maintenance
- Over 1 million cycles & longer calendar life: 15 to 20 years
- -40°C to +65°Coperating temperature range
- Considerably lighterthan batteries
- Easily fully discharged for safe maintenanceoperations
- Simpler monitoringand system health checks
- Ultracapacitors do not leak or contain acid or lead
Case study
Benefits of the Skeleton solution12s4p for 650kW / 20 sec UCAP power
Skeleton Technologies’ SkelGrid 12s1p
- Turnkey solution 1224 VDC
- 12x 102V Ultracapacitor modules
- Switchgear section
- Switch Disconnector
- Main contactor
- Fuses
- Pre-charge and discharge circuits
- Auxiliary 24VDC
Get in touch for more information, contact Nijkerk Electronics