Visitors who are interested in Ultracapacitors, DC and AC Power Contactors or High precision current and voltage measurement systems should visit the Nijkerk Electronics booth next week. At the first Energy Storage Event (12 februari 2019, Veldhoven NL) Nijkerk Electronics will present a wide range of power solutions suited for Energy Storage applications. In this article we highlight the solutions of Gigavac, Isabellenhütte and LSMtron. Not registered yet? Use this link.
DC and AC Power Contactors
The Gigavac DC or AC power contactors have an EPIC seal, “Extended Performance Impervious Ceramic”. They can switch loads 1000A till 1500V, the HX460 even 5000 times 600A @ 1000Vdc. These small RoHS compliant hermetically sealed contactors can be mounted in any position, can be used in nearly any harsh environment including under water and at temperatures from –55°C to 85°C. They are the preferred contactor for heavy trucks and equipment, busses, electric or hybrid vehicles, boats, factory automation, power management systems for battery charging, fuel cells, solar, wind and wave power systems where long life and high reliability are needed.
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High precision current and voltage measurement system
The IVT module from Isabellenhütte is a high precision current and voltage measurement system for DC applications. The IVT module communicate via CAN bus. Also energy and power can be monitored. The IVT module was designed for the automotive market, but it is also well suitable for industrial applications. Some DC applications are: Hybrid and Full electric drives, UPS systems, Fuel cells and all battery / storage based applications.
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LSMtron is a supplier of ultracapacitors, the new generation of energy storage devices with low resistance, high -power, -energy, -reliability and long life time. The capacitor has a voltage limits of 3,0V but for getting higher voltages, several ultracapacitors are connected in series in combination with a balancing circuit. LSMtron is supplying ultracapacitors cells (LSUC) and ultracapacitors modules (LSUM). These modules are used as replacing batteries in UPS, windmill, solar panel, AGV, tram, railway, hybrid bus and other transportation or industrial applications.
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For more information:
Nijkerk Electronics BV
Willem Fenengastraat 12
1096 BN Amsterdam
Nijkerk Electronics NV
Romeynsweel 7
2030 Antwerpen